An Adventure in Language Learning!

If you ever wanted to learn a foreign language, this is the place and NOW is the time.

Choose the language you want to learn and try it now!
Spanish    Russian    Indonesian    English

The best way to begin is simply LISTEN, READ and SPEAK. Try it now! And see how quickly you can read and speak Russian!

Что это?  (What's this/that?)
Что? (Где?)  (What? / Where?)
Это.  (This. / That.)
Это книга.  (It's a book.)

А это?  (And this?)
Это журнал.  [magazine]

(looking at photos)
Кто это?  (Who's this?)
Где?  (Where?)
Здесь.  (Here.)
Это я.  (That's me.)
А это?
Это тоже я.     (тоже : also)

Кто это?
Это мой брат.  [my brother]
А это?
Это моя мама.

Где моя книга?
Вон там, на столе.
(Over there, on the table.)

Что это?
Это стол.  (It's a table.)
А это?
Это стул.  (It's a chair.)

Это твоя книга?  (твоя : your (f.))
Да.  (Yes.)
А это твой журнал?  (your (m.))
Нет, это твой журнал.  (нет : no)

Где газета?  [newspaper]
Здесь.  (Here.)
Спасибо.  (Thank you.)
Пожалуйста.  (You're welcome.)

Кто это?
Это Барак Обама.

And so on.. The key is physical practice. You need practice to be able to make the sounds. To do that, you need a good 'tool' and good material. That's what we provide.

Get started now with the language you want to learn or keep reading to learn more about our method.
Spanish    Russian    Indonesian    English

The previous audio sample was just 1 minute and you were introduced to a tremendous amount of Russian and you're already 'reading' the cyrillic alphabet! Intuitive learning is another key component of our method.

Using familiar English names helps you learn the Russian alphabet.
Барак Обама, Брэд Питт, Боб Дилан
( Barack Obama, Brad Pitt, Bob Dylan )
This also helps you avoid making firm associations to English, such as 'a' is like 'a' in English, which it is, but not always and sometimes other letters are used to match the sound better, like with Брэд (Brad).

Another key is 'spaced repetition' giving you time to almost forget. With several variations of "What's this?" and "Who's this?", you'll master these important basics effortlessly and within minutes. Then, to 'push' them deeper into your memory, we repeat them often while introducing new material.

Что это?  (What's this/that?)
Что? (Где?)  (What? / Where?)
Это.  (This. / That.)
Это книга.  (It's a book.)

А это?  (And this?)
Это журнал.  [magazine]

Кто это?
Это Барак Обама.

Without wasting any time making explanations, you've already learned that the 'o' in Russian can sound like 'o' and 'a' in English. By 'speaking to learn' you won't ever have to memorize any rules of pronunciation. Fortunately, most other languages are much more phonetic than English.

Very quickly, you will have learned several words, such as 'что' (what), 'кто' (who), 'это' (this/that). We also provide some exercises to help 'activate' what you've been learning intuitively.

Give the English for the following: (Click to view answers.)

( what )
( who )
( this/that )
( where )

The exercises are intentionally easy. They are simply 'activating' what you've learned intuitively but haven't yet used consciously. Later, we give the English word and you give the Russian word. Again, you should be able to do the exercises quickly and without mistakes. The key is to keep listening, reading and speaking along with the audio and you will learn 'automatically'.

Try giving the Russian for the following: (Click to view answers.)


Every language also needs a somewhat custom approach. You can't just use the same material for all languages. The material needs to be specific for each language, with the method and concept being the same for all. So, choose the language you want to learn and try it now!
Spanish    Russian    Indonesian    English

If you like our language learning concepts and would like to join us to create a program for learning your language, please email me, Brian. ( ) We'd love to hear from you.

This is an interesting article: At What Age Does Our Ability to Learn a New Language Like a Native Speaker Disappear?

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