This audio is taken from a Super Holly video.
I like her material, but it does tend to go 'too far, too fast'. It's also not efficient to be listening to a bunch of English. Since I don't have anyone to make Spanish material the way I like, I'll make do with other resources, like Holly and ChatGPT.
.. not necessary to learn like a baby
.. key is listening and learning to make sounds
.. only 5 vowel sounds in Spanish
a e i o u
.. focus on sound and how to make sound
diptongos (dipthongs)
agua (water)
aire (air)
hielo (ice)
tiempo (time)
cuando (when)
cuidado (careful)
novio (boyfriend)
carro (car)
rojo (red)
rico (rich ; tasty)
arroz (rice)
amar (to love)
cariño (honey, baby, sweetie)
cortar (to cut)
corro (I run)
coro (choir)
carro (car)
caro (expensive)
.. d / r
.. t
tigre (tiger)
tesoro (treasure)
atar (to tie/fasten)
triángulo (triangle)
.. d = th
d / d English / Spanish
dormir (to sleep)
dedo (finger)
digo (I say)
dulce (candy)
.. letter L ..
.. English L
.. lemon
luz (light)
leer (to read)
alarma (alarm)
colegio (school)
clase (class)
ligero (lightweight)
.. Spanish hesitation phrase
.. common mistakes
ser (to be, more permanent)
estar (to be, more temporary)
Soy de Estados Unidos.
(I'm from the United States.)
Soy mujer. (I'm a woman.)
Soy bilingüe. (I'm bilingual.)
Estoy de buen humor. (I'm in a good mood.)
Estoy en mi casa. (I'm at my house.)
Estoy loca. (I'm crazy.)
Soy aburrida. (I'm boring.)
Estoy aburrida. (I'm bored.)
.. exception, time ..
¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?)
Es la una y media. (It's 1:30.)
¿Qué horas son? (What time is it?)
Son las dos cuarenta y cinco. (It's 2:45.)
México está en Norteamérica.
(Yo) Estoy en mi casa. (I'm at my house.)
El planeta tierra está en el sistema solar.
(The earth is in the solar system.)
.. estar for location ..
.. genders for nouns ..
el perro (the dog)
el auto (the car)
el niño (the boy)
los perros (the dogs)
los autos (the cars)
los niños (the boys)
la casa (the house)
la tienda (the store)
la niña (the girl)
las casas (the houses)
las tiendas (the stores)
las niñas (the girls)
.. exceptions ..
el día (the daytime or the day)
el clima the weather)
el mapa (the map)
el idioma (the language)
la mano (the hand)
la foto (the photograph)
la moto (the motorcycle)
la radio (the radio)
la fotografía
la motocicleta
la radiofonía
.. e ending
la noche (the night)
el baile (the dance)
la torre (the tower)
el puente (the bridge)
la fuente (the fountain)
.. conjugations
.. don't need pronoun
Estoy contenta. (I'm happy.)
.. Yo tengo hambre.
Tengo hambre. (I'm hungry.)
Tengo frío. (I'm cold.)
.. tener (I have) ..
Tengo treinta y cinco años.
(I'm 35 years old.)
Tengo sed. (I'm thirsty.)
Tengo prisa. (I'm in a hurry.)
Tengo sueño. (I'm tired.)
Tengo razón. (I'm right.)
Ten cuidado. (Be careful.)
La gente Americana es muy amigable.
(American people are very friendly.)
Los Americanos son muy amigables.
(Americans are very friendly.)
(note 's' at end of amigables)
.. los ..
Vamos a salir el próximo fin de semana.
(We're going out next weekend.)
(next weekend or this weekend?)
una casa grande (a big house)
un día gris (a gloomy day)
una persona inteligente
(a smart person)
feliz cumpleaños (happy birthday)
(un) buen día (a good day)
Llevo una camisa blanca.
(I'm wearing a white shirt.)